Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Carl's Jr.~ What is up?

I was driving on I-5 from Northern California to Southern California when I saw a billboard that said this. 

I thought about it for a while and really could not wrap my head around what in the world they are trying to say. 
Is it "eat high fat, cholesterol laden foods or else you don't mean it?" Or "you are eating fake if it's not big and greasy?" What does "meaning it" even mean when it comes to eating anyway? Isn't eating just eating? 

Who buys into this stuff? 
I feel slightly offended that I don't "mean it" because I don't eat gigantic burgers with bacon, onion rings and sauce. 

Don't get me wrong...I DO LOVE a double-double every now and again from In N' Out...

Am I way off base on this? What is your opinion on this slogan?

Monday, December 23, 2013

2014 ~ Make it YOUR best year yet!

For me, 2013, was a phenomenal time in my life where I learned, grew and achieved more in every aspect of my life! I want to KEEP IT UP and I'd love to do it with YOU! This group is a goal setting AND goal ACHIEVING group! We will start out with 30 days and, for those who would like to continue, will have phase II for another 30 days.
Here are the details:
- Totally free!
- Anyone welcome! BUT you will be REQUIRED to engage and interact with the group. It is private so only the group will see it.
- We will be talking about all aspects of life including (but not limited to) personal, professional, health, spirituality, relationship, etc.
- This will be a hands on group with assignments, discussions and google hangout sessions.
- You must be reading The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy, we will be discussing it and doing assignments associated with it.
- That book is not the only assignments we will be doing, so there is a time commitment.
- You will be REQUIRED to respond daily. Some days will take seconds, some days will take about 20 minutes.
- Start day will be January 6th!
WHO IS IN? Please comment, I am in to join!

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

P90X3 Test Group

So, I ordered the brand new P90X3 program and decided I wanted to do it along with others! Do you want to join in on my P90X3 Test Group? Here are the deets:
- We will start ON JAN 1st
- Program MUST be purchased by Dec 21 for delivery on time.
- We will follow the schedule. All workouts are 30 min, 6 days a week. You choose your rest day. Mine will be Sunday.
-We will drink Shakeology daily for added nutrients and stick closely to the program nutrition guide.
-We will have DAILY accountability and support online...REQUIRED.
-Cost is $180 and you get a free X3 hat! Price goes up to $205 in 2014.

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Sometimes it ain't pretty....

This morning I braved the cold and went and ran on the strand at 6am. I don't have any winter running clothes so I just layered a t-shirt, long sleeved shirt and jacket over capri running pants. The beanie helped a lot, courtesy of my twelve year old. 

The thing about exercising when it is cold is that is usually is only cold for about five minutes. I had an awesome run! I am so glad I didn't use "I have nothing to wear" as an excuse!

Monday, December 9, 2013

I LOVE my job!

I love my job super cool job because:

1. I get to wear whatever I want (aka..yoga pants, workout clothes, pajamas, these slippers) all day long if I so desire.
2. I make a living on Facebook. (and a quite nice one, I might add.)
3. I am the coolest boss I've ever had. 
4. When I don't feel like working, I don't. 
5. I can go on vacation ummm...tomorrow, if you want to! 
6. I'm able to give amazing people amazing presents. Love doing that! 
7. It's the ultimate in accountability to my own health and fitness goals because we all have days where we JUST don't want to do it. 
8. The more I grow in personal development, the more my business grows.
9. I get paid to HELP PEOPLE!
10. I work from home so when the kids get home I get to hear ALL ABOUT their ups and downs of their day!

The list is never ending...I NEVER would've thought it would lead to all of this! I am SO glad I made that decision. WHAT IF I hadn't given it a shot? WHAT IF I didn't try? Everything in my life has gotten better! Care to join me? (p.s. you must have slippers)

Monday, December 2, 2013

What Would You Say?

What would you say if I told you there was a way to get healthy, fit and strong in 90 days, 30 minutes a day? 

If you say, "I wouldn't stick with it for 90 days." 
I would say, "How about a free online support group that makes sure you stick with it?"
If you say, "It is TOO hard. I am too out of shape!"
I would say, "It is ALL modifiable and even beginners can do it."
If you say, "It is probably too expensive."
I would say, "It is just in time to ask for it for Christmas. And you would actually save money because you will learn how to eat more economically."
So, what do you say?

released on Dec 10th 2013