Tuesday, February 11, 2014

P90X3 Eccentric Upper- Week 7- Post Workout Wrap-Up

Eccentric Upper- Week 7 Post Workout Wrap-Up:
Do you like eccentric upper? I do! I used 10 lb weights for all dumbbell exercises, except the ones where he says use light weights...8 lbs for those.I can't believe that I actually LIKE push ups now. It has so much more to do with core than I ever thought! I am still using the bands for pull ups and much more satisfied with the progress...still working toward real pull ups on the bar!
I missed Agility so much that I did it immediately after eccentric upper. If you are not feeling your progress, I strongly recommend going back and doing agility. Week 1 feels like I was such a different person! Looking forward to lower eccentric tomorrow!

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