Thursday, January 9, 2014

My favorite EAT OUT HEALTHY choice

After moving back from Beijing this summer we all still crave the smells, flavors and texture of the food we grew to love! It is almost impossible to replicate, but we have found that Mongolian BBQ usually feeds the craving. 

If you choose wisely, it can be a VERY good way to stay on track and enjoy a night out. We go here and if you haven't tried Mongolian BBQ before, here are a few tips!
  • Options are "salad bar style" so you will be filling your own bowl with raw items and watch it being cooked in front of you.
  • The meat options are freeze dried, thinly cut to cook quickly.
  • LOTS of veggies, which is the BEST part!
  • Avoid the noodles and use bean sprouts instead. You won't miss it, trust me!
  • Say no to white rice. There are PLENTY of other healthy options to fill up on, like the fresh sesame bread.
  • Use tofu instead of meat easily.
  • Experiment with flavors! When people are disappointed at Mongolian BBQ it is usually because they don't mix the sauces. Many times there are recipe suggestions, just beware HIGH sodium content will leave you thirsty and retaining water. Ask for low sodium options or stick with flavored water options for cooking. Do regular sauces in moderation.
  • The cooking process is stir-fry style using more water than oil.
  • You know what you are eating and watch it being cooked right in front of you.
  • Careful! Many places are all-you-can-eat and even healthy options can ADD UP!
  • Downfall is it is really cumbersome to log these meals so I do it once and save it in "recipes" on Lose It! or MyFitnessPal so that next time I am ready to go and don't deviate.

You ready to try it out? Go For It!
Let us know how you like it!
All veggies, some chicken and A LOT of flavor!

Ready to cook!

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