Saturday, March 1, 2014

T0 Moms with Little Ones

This morning I saw this picture. This is my baby girl who is TURNING SIXTEEN next month, is having surgery during spring break and is starting to date! 

I must be hormonal because it really brought tears to my eyes...this pic brought me RIGHT BACK to this moment, hearing her voice and being showered with "mommy"'s over and over and over every day. I MISS IT!

At this time of her life I was struggling....I had low self-esteem, major health woes and it spilled over into my marriage AND my parenting of her. I am NOT saying this to look back and REGRET at all! I was doing the best I could.

****BUT if I can just applaud all of those mommies out there, with little ones, who are NOT waiting to show their babies healthy example. KUDOS to you! It will pay off because TAKING CARE OF YOURSELF will help you TAKE CARE OF THEM! Just make sure you hug them ALL THE TIME & RECORD their little voices, because ALL TOO SOON they will be grown.*****

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