Thursday, December 4, 2008

~holiday talk~

How did you do during Thanksgiving? Did you go in with wild abandon and eat whatever you wanted? Or did you restrain yourself?
Personally, with fourteen house guests in my home for four days I was so busy I often forgot to eat. Can you believe it? I was so busy taking care of everyone else's wants and needs that I neglected myself. Imagine that of a woman? But really...I felt so great being the hostess I really didn't need to stuff myself silly. Oh, don't get me wrong...I had my fair share of See's candy. But did you know my wonderful mother-in-law also brought a 2 lb. box. We ate one box and the other has been barely opened. It may also be because I have a killer cold. Whatever it may be, I am not questioning it!
Tell me about your holiday. Did anything hilarious happen? I want to hear your stories!

1 comment:

blueladybug said...

The only reason I did not "stuff" myself on Thanksgiving was because we were on a cruise. I know this might sound weird because most people eat and eat on a cruise with having food around 24/7, but on Thanksgiving I did not eat that much. We had a very rough day at sea with 2 in our party getting sick and the "special" Thanksgiving dinner in the dining room that night was very bad with bland gravy, runny mashed pototoes which were mixed with sweet pototoes. I only ate 1/4 of my meal! But, I did have a fun and very relxed Thanksgiving day without any cooking and cleaning and awesome warm chocolate cake for dessert!