Thursday, April 15, 2010

State of Mind

~We've all heard of the "power of positive thinking". But I'd like to talk about the "power of negative thinking". I know it is not as fun to talk about, but nevertheless we NEED to discuss it.
~The challenges that we face usually are gauged on how we look or react to a situation. The days when I am having a bad run it is because I am saying things like, "this hurts today." or "I can't do it" or "How much longer?"
~The last few weeks I have been in a huge rut. My rut began in my mind. My attitude towards people and about things became tense. I totally think it stems from hormones but that is beside the point. I definately noticed that when my attitude changed my physical health changed as well. Which is the chicken? Which is the egg? It is just a vicious cycle. You know what I mean...we are down so we rest and not exercise. Then we feel guilty because we didn't exercise and feel more down. Or we eat a treat because we think it will make us feel better and then we feel discouraged that we blew it and feel worse...the vicious cycle!
~ Two Saturday's ago I ran 9 miles...last Saturday I made it to 7, but barely. I feel as though I've gone back to being a beginner. My eating has suffered alot. When I used to look at situations as a hurdle to jump over and feel success from, now I look at it in rebellion and say, "why shouldn't I be able to eat that?" or "what can really happen if I eat that?" This is just SILLY talk, I know! I know what will happen if I do it, exactly what happened before!
~ I guess what I am trying to say is when our "moons" are aligned (not literally) things go smoothly...but sometimes things get off. The true challenge is how to ride through the non-alignment and get back on track!
UPDATE- Moments after I posted this self-pitiful post I was literally sent two things that really answered some concerns of mine!
  1. This article- 5 Ways To Run Past your Mental Blocks was waiting for me in my email inbox! So great!
  2. This weeks The Biggest Loser was on my DVR- Holy Cow! I haven't even gotten through the entire episode and I have audio recorded Bob's "pep talk" and Jillian's "motivation" to Victoria about running. I needed to hear both of those things! Also, when Suze Orman told Koli he wouldn't win because he didn't count that is motivation!

Despite this being a sensitive and personal post, I really felt others go through the same things I do. Please share any strategies that have helped you get through your slumps!

PS- my alarm is set for 5am and my running clothes are out :)

1 comment:

Leslie said...

I think that going back to work probably is a big contributor too. Your free time is short and you still have your regular chores, along with things you "want" to do.

I took a week off from the gym - during spring break. I enjoyed every moment of not going. But this week I'm hurts a little more, but I appreciate it. I find that if I don't give myself "me time" or little breaks from this workout routine and diet I will go crazy and binge!

Keep up the good work! You are awesome!!